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Avoidant Paruresis – Three Tips For Successfully Urinating in Public Rest Rooms

When attempting to overcome bashful bladder and become more comfortable urinating in public restrooms, try to identify and implement different strategies that can set you up for success. Each man with bashful bladder has a separate list of factors that make public urination easier or harder. The following are a few methods that could work for you.

1) Fullness of bladder. 

For many men, a bladder that is full to bursting will make it easier to urinate in front of others. During early phases of behavior modification, if your bladder is not full, it is prudent to hold off urination in front of others until it is. 

2) Holding yourself emotionally separate. 

Some men find it easier to urinate if they avoid eye contact or conversation with others in the room. They may repeat to themselves, “I really don’t care what they think of me. They are not important to me. They are nobodies in my life.” I do not believe this is a positive reaction as it feels to me to be shamed-based. For a while, however, you may find this negative response to others useful. Eventually you can work your way to being emotionally open as you enter a restroom. Some men close themselves to a point of having hateful and condemnatory thoughts about other men to help them urinate. I don’t think this is acceptable even for a short time. Why would you want to fill your mind with negative thoughts? To some extent, your openness or closeness mirrors your openness and closeness with men in general. Accept it as an indicator of work needing to be done–or successfully achieved.

3) Appreciating that practice it self.

especially in its early stages, can make you very nervous and tense. This is the result of your old self-concept resisting new behaviors. (“I’m not a man who can…”) As you explore new personal identities, you are bound to be uncomfortable. In looking into your past and into you emotions, it’s not that you should dwell there. You do, however, need to know what thoughts are crowding into your mind, often filling it with terror and fear. In thinking about your current men’s room experiences, you will learn much about the feelings that dominate you in situations where others are present when you need to urinate. These feelings obviously lead to behaviors. If you can alter the feelings, you can alter the behaviors and vice versa.

Good Luck! 

Source : Internet Marketing Royalty

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