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Beauty tips for your skin to look younger

This post is tips on how to take care of your facial beauty acne disorder. Here are some of the most important beauty care to know in keeping your skin still looks pretty and also avoid the problem of acne!

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Tips how to cure acne

Acne occur when skin pores becomes blocked by feces from dust, residual makeup, etc..leading to inflammation and even infection of the skin. Oily skin and acne is a condition that is triggered by an increase in the hormone testosterone in the human skin.

Causes of acne include stress, heredity, hormonal activity, hyperactive oil glands, bacteria in the pores of the skin, air pollution, skin irritation or scratching exposed, use of birth control pills, anabolic steroids, etc.

remove acne

Types of acne

  1. Blackheads. Blackheads are clogged pores. Open comedowns (blackhead) look like enlarged pores and blackened. Closed comedowns (whiteheads) have skin that grows over the clogged pores so it looks like small white bumps.
  2. Acne common. This type of acne is a bulge small pink or reddish, occurs due to clogged pores infected by bacteria. The bacteria can infect from wash lap, makeup brushes, fingers, as well as telephone, stress, hormones, and the humid air, the above may allow the formation of acne.
  3. Stone Acne (cystic acne). Cystic acne is a big pimple with severe inflammation, gathered around the face. Patients with cystic acne usually experience: 
  • An over-active oil glands which flood the pores with oil glands.
  • The growth of skin cells that are not normal skin cannot regenerate as fast as normal.
  • Having an exaggerated response to inflammation that leave marks on the skin.


How to cure acne naturally
  1. Washing your face 2 times a day and wash your hair regularly. By diligently washing your face will help remove the oil on the surface of the skin. But do not scrub face excessive because it would increase oil production sebaceous that can cause skin problems on the face. Also make sure the skin is clean before bed. Wash your hair regularly, especially for those who have oily hair types.
  2. Customize your cosmetics with your skin type. Cosmetics should be used according to skin type, because if not then the acne will soon come to your facial skin. Avoid excessive use of cosmetics because oil and dust will be the medium that causes acne bacteria to live in the face.
  3. Drinking water, nearly 70% of the skin consists of water by drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, the skin will always fit and healthy.
  4. Healthy lifestyle, eat nutritious foods, including vegetables and fruits that contain lots of vitamins that nourish the skin.
  5. Enough sleep and regular get used to sleep enough and regularly, because Saar sleeps, the skin will be generations and remove harmful toxins so that when you wake up the next day the skin will be fresh plasticity.

Tips inflamed acne cure

Acne or in Latin is called acne vulgarism, usually occurs in adolescents because at that time the oil gland production increases due to the influence of androgens. Increased excessive oil glands will clog sheath (follicles) hair so that it appears as a pimple on the surface of the skin (blackheads) which then turned into acne. Acne is a small boil like bumps on the skin that contain fat. If there is inflammation, acne can harden and form a cyst so it is difficult to recover. Acne usually affects people aged teenagers ranging from 14 to 20 years.

To prevent inflamed acne you need to clean your face every day, drink 8 glasses of water a day, and reduce the use of chemical cosmetics.

In curing acne is inflamed, the need to reduce foods that contain fat. Not haphazardly in holding the skin by hand, no gouging, scratching massage or facial skin. Because usually blemish-prone skin more sensitive to stimulation.

Healing the safest acne cure acne naturally, because healing does not have any side effects. These tweaks should be done diligently and regularly in order to get optimal results.

Beauty tips skin with Mask

For women, the face is the most valuable asset and really should be kept beauty, which can be a variety of skin care tips, because of the face will shine the natural beauty of the face. In order to look nice, do not actually have to be pretty, but how can we take care of our face so that it looks beautiful, clean, attractive and well maintained course.

Beauty experts often express facial treatment methods are healthy and beautiful course, among which the facial masks.

skin care solution

Beauty treatments using the mask of course many types of masks which can be purchased directly or by making a homemade mask. Listen explanation of the various types of masks following:
Tips to wear masks Ready-made

Ready-made masks can be found in the mini market or beauty shops, ranging from masks from fruits, herbs mask until mask out of egg, how to use it is also very practical, as suggested by renowned beauty expert as follows:
  1. Clean your face with cleansing milk according to your skin type.
  2. Mix the mask powder with water, stir to form a paste.
  3. Apply the mask evenly on your face using a flat spatula or spoon until quite thick. Do not use a brush or your fingers to lubricate mask. Allow up to 10 -15 minutes.
  4. Lift by peeling (peel-off) until clean, then rinse with warm water and cold or skin freshener fit your skin type.
  5. To be more comfortable, play relaxing music while waiting for the mask is dry and the result is not only your face but your mind relaxation also become more relaxed.
  6. For maximum results, do it 2 times a week.

Cleopatra Mud Mask

Cleopatra is a female icon who became a source of inspiration for the beauty experts. However, there is a unique beauty treatment ingredient they use the mask material made of mud. After centuries later did European women utilizing a mask for facial care while maintaining freshness, the ingredients they use are very varied as masks made of mud, vegetation masks, even the mask material consisting of milk and eggs.

Basically regularly beneficial use of masks as well as skin moisturizer able to open the pores of the skin and can relax the facial muscles and also clean the face of the remnants of cosmetics, dirt, and dust, and the results facial skin look so much cleaner, more tight and always radiant.

Tips to make and use homemade masks

although the products are ready-made masks are widely available, but there is no harm if we make the mask itself. Why? because of course materials that we use ingredients definitely still fresh so that quality and quality guaranteed, their needs can be adjusted to the condition of your skin as a mask making process was pretty easy, just blend the ingredients to be used and then mixed with a little almond oil, olive oil, honey or milk, after preparation is complete we wear the mask made immediately so that moisture is still natural.

In principle, the use of a homemade mask is the same as using ready-made masks, but of course with homemade masks will be fresh and secure the material as well as more secure because without preservatives or facial skin care with fruit.

Herbs or fruits that can be used as a mask
  • Carrots, masks are made from a mixture of olive oil and carrots beneficial for reducing facial wrinkles.
  • Avocado, avocado contains fatty acids that are potent softens the skin while keeping the moisture and brighten the skin. This mask is suitable for normal and dry skin care. Avocados can also be mixed with tomatoes to add to usefulness.
  • Bananas and avocados, bananas have a high moisture content, while avocados have vitamins D, A and amino acids. Alloys are both able to prevent dull skin, making it firmer, moist, and fresh glow.
  • Cucumber, cucumber works as an astringent (refresher) naturally, so it is believed to help reduce wrinkles on the face. In order to get maximum results, cucumber mask can also be mixed with skim milk.
  • Aloe Vera, when mixed with cold rice powder, Aloe Vera is believed to refine the skin, fix the problem and prevent the acne spots on the face.
  • Pumpkin and papaya, both fruit contains vitamin C and fruit acid (fruit acids) which can accelerate the reproduction process of dead skin cells. Also increase the growth of collagen which is the ingredient that makes your skin fresh and toned.
  • Starfruit and pineapple, starfruit and pineapple fruit is rich in vitamin A and C, and minerals that can reduce fatigue in the skin. The benefits of this mask can make your skin look fresher.
  • Egg, egg white mask with materials useful to solve the problems of oily skin.
  • Honey, when used regularly, a mixture of honey and almond oil is very useful to deal with complaints about neck began to feel loose. Meanwhile, mix honey with lemon beneficial for oily skin care.
    Milk, milk and yogurt can be used as a useful mask to help eliminate blemishes and also prevent premature aging. Sour milk (sour cream) is also powerful to overcome the problem of large pores. To moisturize the skin, add lemon juice into the yogurt before applying it on the face.
By utilizing herbs and fruits as a mask and skin care solution, so a brief explanation of Tips to make a homemade mask with ingredients mentioned above, but the freshness and beauty should be used regularly and continuously.

Beauty tips skin with fruit

Women generally crave certainly facial skin youthful, firm and smooth, but the desire is often not balanced with facial skin care that we do because skin care is often synonymous with expensive and time consuming, while in reality it is not, skin care can be done at home with very practical and cheap of course.

There are many things we can do to get a natural skin care and inexpensive, among which the use of fruits.

natural skin care

Among the fruits that can be used to treat the skin include:
  1. Bananas, this fruit porridge mixed with a little milk and honey is useful to maintain skin moisture your skin, the fruit is nutritious revive dull skin and caring for smoothness and softness of your skin. While the banana leaf can be used for skin burn treatment by topical, mix of banana leaf ash plus coconut oil. This herb is beneficial to cool the skin is injured.
  2. Avocado, highly nutritious avocado moisturize dry skin, mouth ulcers, and also can lower cholesterol levels in our bodies, but keep in mind not to be mixed with sugar / honey / milk). The content of fat in avocado is excellent for facial skin care, especially for dry skin care.
  3. Cucumber, beneficial to tighten the skin and eliminate dark spots and remove acne scars. Washed and sliced cucumber. Cucumber slices placed and rubbed against the skin with acne. Take these tips every day.
  4. Lime, the first benefit of lime is to close up the pores of the skin by way of participating meat lemon, apply on your skin. Stick around the nose and cheek pores look huge, which benefits both to whiten and soften the skin by rubbing pieces of lemon skin on the face and other parts of your body.
  5. Kiwi, this fruit can be efficacious to increase stamina, it can prevent cancer, add to the beauty of skin, accelerate healing, and etc.
  6. Noni, fruits are helpful to moisturize the skin and also removes dandruff because it contains turpentine that functions in both cell rejuvenation skin and your scalp.
  7. Carrots, the fruit is highly efficacious for preventing inflammation of the skin because it contains beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals, and improve the health of your body.
  8. Passion, the fruit of this one turned out to contain many benefits, among other things, the skin can be used as herbal cosmetics that are good for the skin, and while the seeds are crushed when the fashion fruit oil will issue a nutritious treat wrinkles on the skin, wow incredible.
Fruits of the above can be used independently, but can also be combined in use, such as the example below:
  • Papaya and Pumpkin, vitamins and minerals contained in a pumpkin and papaya can be helpful for tightening and rejuvenating the skin. Making your skin look more toned, youthful and radiant
  • Avocado and Banana, both pieces can be mixed. Avocados and bananas contain vitamin D, A, Amino Acid and Organic Acid, useful for treating skin moisture, revive dull skin. Caring for skin smoothness and softness
  • Starfruit and pineapple, vitamin C and A than from star fruit and pineapple effectively help shrink the skin pores, refreshing and soothing facial, mineral content helps reduce fatigue skin, making a fresh face brightened.
Actually so many other fruits that also have benefits as well as benefits for facial skin care, of course, these fruits can be used as a natural alternative to facial treatments, and the final result obtained is that you will have skin that is always beautiful, smooth, white, radiant and enchanting.